
Monitor fleet driving behavior with vehicle management

Do you happen to be a fleet owner or fleet manager, looking for effective ways to monitor fleet driving behavior? Well, you’re in the right place.

Without a doubt, as we’ve said time and again, when it comes to the operation of your fleet, driver safety is a priority. However, unsafe driving behavior is not only the cause of serious road accidents, but also unnecessary costs.

Monitoring driver conduct will help you create a training program that will help them focus on safe driving habits. Moreover, it will help you streamline your operations, and safeguard your company’s reputation. So, where do you start? Allow us to assist you with that!

How can you monitor fleet driving behavior?

Fleet managers have quite a challenge to face when it comes to evaluating their fleet drivers. To elaborate, a fleet manager cannot possibly know how a driver behaves behind the wheel. Given this fact, there may be a driver — or more — among the crew, who is a liability; that is, in terms of driving behavior, and the negative impact it may have (on many levels). And the result can, at times, be devastating.

That’s where fleet Telematics comes in! Using a vehicle management platform, you can monitor fleet driving behavior, easily and effectively. 

To be more specific, with such a tool in your hands, you gain useful insight into driver behavior trends. Thus, you can act proactively; and take the necessary measures to resolve this issue. Luckily — and hopefully, well before bad driving habits take a toll on your drivers’ — and business’ — wellbeing. 

6 ways vehicle management software can help improve driving habits

Some practical ways a vehicle management system can help you — and your efforts — to monitor fleet driving behavior, include:

  1. Getting alerts and data reports on unsafe driving behaviors: Has a driver succumbed to a dangerous urge, like fast acceleration, hard braking, high RPM, exceeding speed limits? Don’t worry, you’ll immediately know. 
  2. Cutting down on fuel consumption costs: No more footing the bill for fuel fraud, aggressive driving attitude, excessive idling, and out-of-route rides (extra mileage weighing you down); every single dubious action will appear on your screen, the moment it happens. 
  3. Receiving real time alerts on malfunctions: Has a warning light appeared on one of your vehicles’ dashboard? Your driver hasn’t notified you or even noticed already? No time to waste — you’ll get a notification from your vehicle management app, right away, indicating the issue
  4. Tracking down your fleet vehicles’ location and route: Nothing escapes your all-seeing eye; whether one of your fleet vehicles is being towed, or a driver employs it for personal use (on or off-shift).
  5. Logging travels and events: Again, it’s all about fleet safety — where your drivers are, how they drive, and the vehicles’ status; after all, you also have to adhere to the ELD rule.
  6. Establishing a reward system for defensive driving: Offering incentives will benefit your vehicle management efficiency greatly. When a driver behaves consciously on the road, you should reinforce this conduct. For instance, acknowledge it and reward the driver who made the effort; sooner or later, other drivers will follow along. 

Monitor fleet driving behavior with Veturilo

It goes without saying, the ability to monitor fleet driving behavior will give your business a strong competitive advantage. Going beyond GPS tracking, Veturilo provides you with actionable data on demand, for vehicle operation and driving performance. 

Specifically, you can measure — and stay updated with — your entire fleet’s status, through reports based on preset indicators; to repeat a few, hard braking and fast acceleration, speeding, road sign violations, and excessive idling. By the same token, Veturilo offers a helping hand in boosting efficiency, productivity, profitability, and growth. 

At any rate, with Veturilo by your side, you can:

Although vehicle management is a juggling act, with the right Telematics solution you can gain the upper hand; besides, when everything is in balance, you can focus on business growth!

There’s no better time than now

In all truth, managing your fleet company without the proper management tools, can be a nightmare where things may quickly get out of hand: 

In other words, you just won’t know what hit you 😖!

That’s where a vehicle management system, like Veturilo, comes into play. How? If anything, by allowing visibility into — and control over — behavioral patterns that can potentially harm your business. In short, leveraging the merits of technology, you can save people’s lives, and your company a lot of money.

So, are you good and ready to get down to business with a wholesome monitor fleet driving behavior strategy? Well, there’s no better time to join the Veturilo family than now.

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